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The Ex-factor

Oscar Wilde was twenty years younger than the great artist James Whistler with whom Wilde was awed. Both travelled in the same aristocratic circles and…

Sleep and the Noisy Brain

The moment I lie down, it is as if the chamber of secrets in my brain gets an invitation to open up – darkness, doom,…

For the Love of Math, 2

According to a popular 2017 review by famous researchers Robert Siegler and David Braithwaite there are certain deep-rooted and fundamental cultural differences and curricular exigencies…

Burn After Reading

“Neither of them can stand the person they’re married to. … Can’t stand them.” She looked at Myrtle and then at Tom. “What I say is,…

Prozac Nation

For that was the terrible power of the dementors: to force their victims to relive the worst memories of their lives, and drown, powerless, in…

Crime and Punishment

“The genetics load the gun, personality and psychology aim it, and experiences pull the trigger, typically.”– Jim Clemente (FBI profiler) said of the 2017 Las…

Sex and the City

Physics is like sex: Sure, it may give some practical results, but that’s not why we do it.  — Richard Feynman “I have a 2…

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  • “Everybody gave parties. And there was a lot of drinking. Some visiting literary celebrity would show up, Partisan Review would make a party or I would make a party. Everybody came. And it was a really passionate intellectual life. It’s hard to imagine today, but people actually came to blows over literary disagreements,” said Norman […]

    The art of disagreement

    “Everybody gave parties. And there was a lot of drinking. Some visiting literary celebrity would show up, Partisan Review would…

  • “He is my best friend, a resilient chap – we have known each other since we were in pre-school. The pandemic at first took a toll on his business, next his family – he lost both parents. I called him to check-in on him every-day. That 5 minute check-in turned into 45-60 minutes and before […]

    Is Gifting Therapy to Someone You Love Helpful or Insulting?

    “He is my best friend, a resilient chap – we have known each other since we were in pre-school. The…

  • “Never trust spiritual leader who cannot dance.” – Mr. Miyagi, The karate kid (1984) On making mistakes At a very young age we are instructed “Don’t make the same mistake twice.” Exclamations of “tch” if our child misspells a word or gets her numbers wrong. As a new businesswoman, in a new job role, in […]

    Wreck-It Ralph

    “Never trust spiritual leader who cannot dance.” – Mr. Miyagi, The karate kid (1984) On making mistakes At a very…