An Unquiet Mind

About the Book
This is a MUST book for all mental health workers ! I wish they had included it in my undergraduate readings (but we didn’t have reading lists In Indian universities at the time!). The book is a personal memoir of a very well known figure in psychology circles – John Hopkins psychologist Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison who beautifully & candidly shares her “lived experience” with Mood disorder. While in 1995, terminology and medications were different than they are today, the book still resonates deeply with me – both, as someone who works with people who live with such pain, and as someone who has been a caregiver myself. If you want to understand better how a person lives with mood disorder, read this book!
Read time : 5 hours approximately
Star Rating : 6 out of 5 stars
Book publication Date : 1995
Book Review :

About the Book
This is a MUST book for all mental health workers ! I wish they had included it in my undergraduate readings (but we didn’t have reading lists In Indian universities at the time!). The book is a personal memoir of a very well known figure in psychology circles – John Hopkins psychologist Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison who beautifully & candidly shares her “lived experience” with Mood disorder. While in 1995, terminology and medications were different than they are today, the book still resonates deeply with me – both, as someone who works with people who live with such pain, and as someone who has been a caregiver myself. If you want to understand better how a person lives with mood disorder, read this book!
Read time : 5 hours approximately
Star Rating : 6 out of 5 stars
Book publication Date : 1995
Book Review :



by Kay Redfield Jamison

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