Oscar Wilde was twenty years younger than the great artist James Whistler with whom Wilde was awed. Both travelled in the same aristocratic circles and had become fast friends despite their differences. Whistler was an elitist and had a strong personality. Wilde was a populist and milder in his manner. Eventually, Whistler tired of Wilde […]
Oscar Wilde was twenty years younger than the great artist James Whistler with whom Wilde was awed. Both travelled in...
“Never trust spiritual leader who cannot dance.” – Mr. Miyagi, The karate kid (1984) On making mistakes At a very young age we are instructed “Don’t make the same mistake twice.” Exclamations of “tch” if our child misspells a word or gets her numbers wrong. As a new businesswoman, in a new job role, in […]
“Never trust spiritual leader who cannot dance.” – Mr. Miyagi, The karate kid (1984) On making mistakes At a very...
The hand is my feeler with which I reach through isolation and darkness and seize every pleasure, every activity that my fingers encounter. With the dropping of a little word from another’s hand into mine, a slight flutter of the fingers, began the intelligence, the joy, the fullness of my life. - Helen Keller, “A […]
The hand is my feeler with which I reach through isolation and darkness and seize every pleasure, every activity that...